Source: via Anna on Pinterest
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Today I had a beautiful surprise. I looked out the window early in the morning and this is what I saw. When my husband told me that the children had a 2-hour delayed school day I asked him why. He said there was 5 inches of snow outside. I was beyond thrilled coz after Christmas eve this is the first time it is snowing here and I miss how winter looks with snow.
There is snow on all the trees. Every limb and leaf is covered with dollops and dollops of this beautiful, white, heavenly thing.
There is snow on the ground in our yard, on all the fences, the bushes that bloom with purple flowers in spring and all other things in the yard is covered with snow.
There is snow in the planters on the patio,
and snow on the tree-tops that almost touch the sky. (Sorry for sounding like Dr. Suess)
There is snow in the horizon,
and snow on the roofs of houses.
On such a day, all I want is a room that looks like this in my home so I can take a long nap.
Have a great Wednesday!
Note: The last image of the white room is pinned. If you wish to pin it also can you please go to the original source and pin it from there since it is not my photo. All the other pictures are taken by me.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Definition of Luxury
Sitting on a chair like this on a wet and rainy day, with my feet up on a matching ottoman, reading a magazine while sipping hot, milky tea flavored with ginger and cardamom and in between looking at the water droplets on the glass window, that is my definition of luxury.
One day while reading the November 2012 issue of Elle Decor I found a short compilation of the definition of luxury by major designers. The definitions they said surprised me because I had always thought of "luxury" as something meant for the rich and famous. Some said luxury was living a responsible life and some others said luxury was clean bed sheets, polished furniture and some others said luxury was a discretion and ease. These definitions were new to me. I have copied them verbatim for you to think about. I hope they give you food for thought as it did me.
"Luxury is living a simple, elegant and responsible life. Luxury is a reduction. We want to live elegantly but we need to be responsible of how we treat the environment." Volpe
"Real luxury is the way you live--ironed sheets, fresh flowers, polished furniture, a welcoming house. The atmosphere you get when you really made an effort with the space versus a space devoid of life." Williams
"Luxury is defining your life so it fits your needs." Mishaan
"Luxury is discretion and ease--and obviously, comfort." Montoya
These definitions made me think about my definition of luxury.
So today when I saw the pink chair with the pillow covered in pink tweed and pink embellishments it dawned on me that my definition of luxury would involve pink, tea, rain, chair and pillows.
What is your definition of luxury?
Monday, January 28, 2013
New Curtains
For the past few years, during winter break my husband has been travelling to India to teach a course in India to American students. This winter my husband went to India for four weeks with students and brought me these curtain panels. There is a store in India called the FabIndia which sells fabrics in traditional Indian design but interpreted in a westernized and modern way. I love their stuff.
These curtains and the pattern on it reminds me of tea-time for some reason. In India, pretty much every one drinks a lot of tea with milk and sugar. I remember spending a lot of time at the dining table drinking tea and eating lots of snacks to go with the tea. Usually when I came from school I would be alone with my tea/milk and snacks and consequently ended up spending a lot of time staring out the window on which the curtains are drawn aside to let the light in. I feel thirsty for tea when I look at these curtains.
Have a wonderful Monday!
Friday, January 25, 2013
Validation for pom-pom love
Source: via Anna on Pinterest
Source: via Anna on Pinterest
Source: via Anna on Pinterest
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Pink Storage Box for Ribbons
My craving for pink started sometime in October 2012 and it is still going strong. Recently, I have been loving combinations of pink and orange and pink and gold. I was hoping to find pink and orange wrapping paper, scrapbook paper or fabric either at Target or Hobby Lobby and so when I found this pink and orange paper at Target I was very excited.
I covered a shoe box with pink wrapping paper, its lid with pink and orange/gold paper and so now, I can have a pretty storage box for leftover ribbons. More importantly, it satisfies my current craving for pink. I know it is not a super clever DIY. I just like the color pink and I needed something pretty and pink which is not expensive. Do you like it?
Have a great Thursday!
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Source: via Anna on Pinterest
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Mantel with glittered bare branch
Today I glittered a bare branch and put it in a glass bowl and kept it on the mantel. I think this looks wintry. Do you?
I just applied glue to the branch and sprinkled silver glitter on it. I think the glitter needs to be more thickly coated on the branches. Don't you? The walls in my home are a pale yellow and sometimes I am tired of it. I love it that in "picmonkey" with the "overlay" option you can give a white background to your pictures. In the first picture I placed a colorful stuffed bird next to the branch while in the next one I kept a wood candle-stand and a blue porcelain lamp. Which look do you prefer?
Have a great Tuesday!
Monday, January 21, 2013
"A thing of beauty is a joy forever"
"A thing of beauty is a joy for ever:
Its loveliness increases; it will never
Pass into nothingness; but still will keep.......," so goes the lines in the poem titled Endymion by John Keats. When I saw these perfectly beautiful pictures of flowers in a book I borrowed from the library called Simply Elegant Flowers, I remembered these lines I learned in English Lit class in pre-degree (high school). In the school that I went to at the time the last two years of high school were called pre-degree. John Keats is right.......beautiful things do bring joy.
While looking at those pictures I made a decision to plant a lot of flowers in our yard in spring. Our city becomes so pretty in spring because flowers appear everywhere. I cannot wait for spring to come.
Another thing you can learn from this book is the names of different types of flowers and how to identify them. I learned the name of the flower in the picture below from this book. Anemones. And the one below that is the Dianthus. Do you like learning the names of flowers? I love learning the names of flowers and trees.
The flower in the image above is called Gloximia.
Inside my house currently I have two jasmine plants (my favorite when it blooms) and poinsettias left over from Christmas, a Christmas cactus and two Amaryllis plants. I placed them all (except one Amaryllis and the cactus) together on a small stool and took this picture. I hope the Jasmine blooms soon and becomes my own personal thing of beauty that brings me joy.
What thing of beauty brings you joy today? Wishing you a good MLK day!
Note: The first four photographs are pictures of the pictures in the book "Simply Elegant Flowers." It is best to buy/borrow the book for yourselves if you like the pictures of the flowers and not pin it from my blog since the pictures are not my own.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Orange and Pink
Source: via Anna on Pinterest
Source: via Anna on Pinterest
Source: via Anna on Pinterest
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Embroidered Sewing Supplies Organizer
Pretty much every time I sit down to sew I sit in a different spot in my house. Sometimes I'd sit by the window at the dining table and at other times I'd sit on the bed and sew. So it was hard for me to carry around my sewing supplies that I needed for a particular project. I was inspired by an image in to make a sort of an organizer for my sewing supplies in which I could easily transport my sewing supplies around my house wherever I needed. I made it with felt I had lying around and embroidered french flower knots and chain stitches according to the pattern from Everything else is from scrap fabric.
And below is the inspiration image from
I hope you have a great Wednesday!
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Inspiration for teen boy room
Source: via Anna on Pinterest
Monday, January 14, 2013
Gold Polka Dots on Yellow Fabric
Ever since I saw an actress wearing a yellow outfit with gold polka dots on it, in an Indian movie, I have been wanting to paint gold polka dots on some yellow cotton fabric I have had for a while. So I decided to paint polka dots on the fabric with gold fabric paint from Hobby Lobby.
I am not yet sure what I will be using this fabric for--maybe as a curtain or or as a tablecloth or to cover an old ottoman. If I have to use it as a tablecloth or ottoman cover I will need to line this fabric since it is so thin.
I have a lot of polka dots to paint to cover the entire fabric. Do you like it so far?
Have a great Monday
Friday, January 11, 2013
Source: via Anna on Pinterest
Source: via Anna on Pinterest
Source: via Anna on Pinterest
Source: via Anna on Pinterest
Source: via Anna on Pinterest
Source: via Anna on Pinterest
Source: via Anna on Pinterest
Thursday, January 10, 2013
DIY clutch
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