Saturday, June 29, 2013
Mirror-work wall hanging in living room
Today I hung a red mirror work wall hanging on the wall behind the sofa. My husband Jerry Anthony brought it for me from India in 2009 or 2010. I think, it is supposed to be hung over a door. But I like it this way.
Here it is up close. I hope you have a great day!
Friday, June 28, 2013
Fifty red and blue flowers
I made fifty red and blue flowers, each with white centers, to symbolize the fifty states in the US, that are represented in the fifty stars in the US flag.
I made these flowers with crepe paper. The stems are made out of fabric wrapped chenille craft wires. I kept the flowers on the coffee table in the living room. I hope you have a great day!
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Red, White and Blue Paper Flowers for the Mantel
I made red and white flowers with white centers with crepe paper for a fourth of July bouquet. I made red, white and blue polka dots with acrylic paint on a glass jar for a vase. I made the stems of the flowers with chenille wire wrapped in green fabric.
Have a great day!
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Framed Postcards (updated)
I love the idea of shopping our own homes for art and meaningful decoration. I had found some postcards in my home and framed them. Today, my husband Jerry, fixed two nails on the wall in our living room and so we put up the framed postcards that I shared earlier.
My husband told me that the building is a picture of "Rashtrapati Bhavan" in New Delhi, India. Rashtrapati Bhavan is the president's official residence. And the street is the one in front of it. My husband's undergraduate degree is in Architecture and so his knowledge about buildings and understanding of buildings is very good.
New Delhi is really an amazing city with a ton of old buildings and as many new buildings. Since it has been the capital of many ancient Indian empires, it was the capital during the time when the British ruled India and because it is the capital now, it has layers and layers of history. But this particular picture represents the time when the British were ruling India.
Do you like picture postcards of old buildings? Have you framed postcards? I hope you have a great day!
Monday, June 24, 2013
My Fourth of July Mantel
I framed a quote by the second president of the United States, John Adams and kept it on the mantel. I also wrote the date on white paper and stuck it on red, white and blue scrapbook paper and framed that as well. The daisies are from our yard. Have a great day!
Sunday, June 23, 2013
A quote and a picture of butterfly art
I love good quotes by wise people. I think quotations by wise people can guide us in our lives and can sometimes point out the truth to us. This is a quotation by Jane Austen which I like very much. So I wrote it down on my computer in the font called Script MT Bold and then copied that on a white sheet of paper and framed it for a wall in my home.
Here is another picture of the butterfly art I made yesterday. I took this picture yesterday. Do you have a favorite quote?
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Four Butterflies Updated
I added one more butterfly to the mix. Earlier I had painted some butterflies to this same wall. I cut out one painted butterfly and added it to the earlier butterflies. I removed the pic of the three butterflies. Earlier I made two butterflies with scrap book paper and stuck it on the wall of the tiny hallway between the garage and the kitchen.
I saw a small picture like this in House Beautiful and wanted to try it out. For one butterfly, I just cut out a butterfly shape on paper and stuck it on the wall with tape, and placed a frame on it so that it framed the butterfly. I removed the glass from the frame. I like the look of the paper wings sticking out and this is how it looked in the magazine too. For the other butterfly, I did not have a frame and so it is just there. The third butterfly is with fabric. I cut out the shape of a butterfly on fabric and sewed it to another piece of fabric. Then I stuck it to the wall with tape and placed a wood frame around it without the glass.
Do you like butterfly art?
Friday, June 21, 2013
Stars and Stripes Pillow
I love decorating for the 4th of July. I love everything about this holiday... the colors, ---the red, white and blue, the fruits we get to eat, the watermelons, the strawberries, the blueberries, the cherries, yum; I love the fireworks we get to watch and I love to think about all the things that happened in history that led up to this great day. However, this is the very first time, I am making a 4th of July pillow. First, I thought I would put red and white pom-poms on a navy pillow but did not feel like going to the store just to pick up red pom-poms. I already had a white pillow and so I made it more interesting (I think) by painting red stripes and blue stars on it.
I am not sure if I did the stars right. But I like this pillow although it is a departure from the gray color palette I was going for on this sofa. I have a couple of other ideas also for 4th of July decorating which I am looking forward to sharing in the coming days. Do you like decorating for the fourth of July? If so, how do you do it?
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Happy Memories of vacations
When our kids were in elementary school our family took a lot of vacations and travelled quite a bit to interesting and historic locations in the United States. And everywhere we went we would go to the sounenir shop and pick up a little something. A coffee mug, a necklace, a toy or just some picture postcards.
Going through old photographs I found three picture postcards that are like black and white photographs or pencil sketches. One is a historic building, one a pretty street and the third a rural scene of a horse driven buggy and lots of hay. I framed them in frames lying around to hang in our living room. We have not put nails yet to hang these but here is a tiny preview of these pics. I like them because they have an old world charm and because it reminds us of happy memories of trips we took as a family.
Have you framed picture postcards? How do you preserve memories of past vacations? Shall share these again when we hang them in the living room. Right now, they are just leaned on the wall in the family room. Have a wonderful day!
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Styled Book Shelves
I styled three more shelves in the bookcase in the family room. This is how it looks now.
The two lamps that look like Aladdin's lamps are from Turkey. My husband, Jerry Anthony had gone to Turkey last year for a conference and he brought me these lamps. I love them.
On the shelf beneath that I kept a ship and a bell. The bell is from Mexico and the ship is from Milwaukee, I think. Also, this morning, I framed three postcards with pictures of two buildings and an ink and pencil sketch of a rural scene. Shall share soon. Have a great day!
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Bookshelf lined with gift wrapping paper and alphabet covered in gift wrapping paper

Monday, June 17, 2013
Embroidery Hoop Word
Here is the embroidery hoop word I made. Joshua suggested the word.
Since the fabric and the thread I used are different shades of blue, I wanted to bring out more of the blueness and so I kept a bowl of blue pom-poms that I made last Christmas on the table. I read in a magazine article as well as in a blog that if you have a certain color in a very small quantity in a room, such as in a rug, or curtain and you want to accentuate that color you can do so by introducing other elements into that same room with that same color. That was the technique I was trying out here in this vignette. So in order to highlight the blue color from the embroidery hoop word, I found a book with a blue spine and gold lettering which I also kept on the table. However, the blue of the book does not show up as blue so much in the picture. I also kept a lamp that has blue on it which my husband Jerry Anthony brought for me from Turkey where he had gone for a conference last year.
Yesterday I made the Alphabet A (for the first letter of our last name) with cardboard and covered it with grey and silver polka dot gift wrapping paper. I fixed it on this same wall on the family room where I have the embroidery hoop word. All I have to do is take pics and post. Hopefully I can do it soon! Do you like embroidery?
Friday, June 14, 2013
Embroidery Hoop Word
I love the quote which says, "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Lead the life you have always imagined." I think this quote is by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Because I love this quote and also because I have always liked the word "Dream" I embroidered the word "Dream" on a piece of blue fabric. Then, I framed it in the same hoop in which I embroidered it and hung it in our family room. Hopefully, every time my kids see this word or even my husband, Jerry and I see this word it will inspire us to dream big, reach for the stars and use our talents.
I have seen embroidery hoops used in gallery walls to display fabric and other things and so this is a spin-off of those ideas I have seen in blogland and magazines. This is how it looks with the other pictures I displayed recently on the same wall.
I have another embroidery hoop in the same size and so tomorrow I am planning to have the word "Smile" on this wall. I hope you will check back. Have a wonderful day!
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Painted pink and gold dots on linen
I finished the project of painting pink and gold dots and small patterns onto linen and fixed it on a wall in my home between two windows. This is how it looks finished.
I think, later I will use another method of attaching the fabric onto the wall. Do you like painting fabric? I hope you have a wonderful day!
Thursday, June 6, 2013
My Week

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