Saturday, March 8, 2025
Earrings in various styles
This earring is so cute.
This earring is classic traditional style to me.
Long pink pearl earrings are always pretty.
purple earrings.
Before I started blogging I used to read a ton of blogs. Most of the blogs I read were decorating blogs. I really enjoyed seeing pictures of paintings, beautiful table cloths, and other things related to home. Sometimes these bloggers posted about fashion and clothes and I enjoyed reading them too. The reason I am saying this is because you may be wondering why I blog about jewelry without giving the price and other details. I am just blogging like this for a person like I used to be. who found happiness in just looking at the pictures and not necessarily buy the jewelry. How this works is next time I go to the mall if I see something in a store similar to what I saw in a blog and I liked it then it is easier for me to buy it than if I had not seen it in a blog. One time I read someones post about coffee tables. That blogger posted pictures of several coffee tables. I just looked at the coffee tables and thought about which one I liked. However my family was not going to buy a coffee table since we already had one. However a few days later I was sitting near the coffee table in our house and eating something. I needed salt for the food on my plate. The salt was in the kitchen. To go to the kitchen i had to circumnavigate the coffee table. Then a story in Indian mythology came to my mind. It is about how Ganpati a hindu God went around his parents when his father challenged him and his brother to circumnavigate the world. Ganpati won the reward because he considered his parents his world. The point I am trying to make is that inspiration works in many ways. A post about coffee tables reminded me of a story in indian mythology. I don't know how this post about earrings may inspire you.
These are all from
I hope you have a lovely day!
Black Earrings
I like these large black earrings. It can go with some outfits. This is also from I hope you have a lovely day!
Friday, March 7, 2025
Pearl Earrings
An assortment of colored pearls. I may have blogged these before.
Pink pearls with gemstones.
This pearl earring has an unusual pattern.
This long pearl earring is the threader style. All these are also from These were uploaded by me into my phone last month. I hope you have a lovely day!
Long Earrings
I liked these earrings also. I like long earrings. These are also from I hope you have a lovely day!
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Colorful earrings
Do you like bright colored earrings like these? I like both these colors. These are from I hope you have a lovely day!
Large Hoops
I like large hoops. Here are some colorful large hoops with beads on them. These are from I hope you have a lovely day!
Hi all, today I would like to share these white gold or silver hoops with gemstones with you all. These are also from I uploaded these also last month. I hope you have a lovely day!
Black Earrings
Do you like black earrings? I love black earrings. Lots of people use black beads or gemstones in jewelry. These can go with most outfits but especially with black outfits. I hope you have a lovely day and I hope you keep smiling today!
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Toastmasters Club Speech 4
Arya sinchana yet another person I follow has a YouTube channel of songs, dances, stories and simple events of her life. Arya Sinchana was born in 2019. All the songs she sings are from an earlier time period. Some are contemporary. But her songs are taught her by her parents. I like the fact that she sings songs from the generation of her parents. It is good to delve deep into the reservoir of wisdom from our parents generation or grandparents generation. I also like the fact that each video is devoted to one song. So during the week she may be learning one song which at the end of the week she presents to her viewers and followers through her YouTube channel.
Raha Kapoor: Raha Kapoor was born in 2022. She is the daughter of two bollywood celebrities. The coolest thing about her is that her parents adore her. Her father finds it difficult to go to work after she was born. Her mother finds her purpose in raising her. They take her everywhere. For weddings, sports stadiums, etc. For some reason I follow her. Most of the time she is in her dad's or moms's arms and most of the time her expression is troubled. As though this two year old has some huge problems weighing on her shoulders. Sometimes she smiles and talks animatedly. She waves to the paparazzi. I follow her because she is a celebrity baby. I like to know about the birthday parties she attends, the places she visits the things she does. I noticed one thing though. On her first Christmas her parents and she met with the paparazzi. She did not wish the paparazzi. She just touched her father's face with one hand and her mother's face with the other hand. Her next Christmas she actually wished the paparazzi. She just said two words hi and merry with a smile on her face. After that she rested her face on her father's shoulder because those two words to the paparazzi may have been overwhelming. This tells us that if parents just love children children will grow.
I also follow Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump. Chelsea Clinton is the author of several books and an outspoken supporter for the environment.
Ivanka Trump is the first daughter, a business woman and devoted wife and mother. She also is an author and I would like to read her books.
Srushty Jayant Deshmukh quoting from the Rigveda an ancient Indian Vedic text said "let good knowledge come to you from all sources." Although I started following these personalities because of spontaneous liking for them I think this is a good rationale to learn from them.
Notes: In my speech I did not include Raha Kapoor and I also omitted many details due to my speech being too long. Also i have noticed that once I start following a celebrity I get negative videos about that same celebrity I liked. So I don't know if the celebrity stopped being nice or if it is misinfornation through fake videos about them. I follow a celebrity only if I consider them 100% Godly and positive. If you choose to follow any of these celetrities please do keep that in mind. I would rather not be responsible for anyone being polluted through celebrities I recommend. I hope you have a lovely day!
Toastmasters Club Speech 3
Another person I follow is Ananya Singh. Ananya Singh cleared a difficult competitive exam to be selected as an officer in the Indian Administrative Service.
She has a few videos where she describes how she prepared for this exam. She says she made daily goals and weekly goals. She read the newspaper regularly for several hours daily. Another idea I liked from her is to collect curious facts. It could be about news items that you see in the newspaper about endangered species, or some important data relating to countries economic growth.
Another person whose speech I listen to almost daily is Srushty, who achieved fifth rank in a competitive test for the administrative service. Her preparation method was very helpful to me in making my daily routines more productive. She relied on something called answer writing.
If she read about a particular news such as trade tariffs then she would write about it. She would collect as much facts and info about that one topic and write about it. Every day she wrote two to five answers. She relied on curiosity to lead her studies. If she came across a phrase in the newspaper she would Google it and learn more about it so she has a large amount of info.
Abhigyaa Jain is a young dancer I started following last month. She has more than 1 million followers on YouTube. Her parents detected her love for dancing at a early age. One day she was taken to a park to dance. Then it started raining. But she wanted to continue to dance. She dances to Hindi movie songs, North Indian folk songs by independent artists and a English song or two.
Akshara Kishore is a child actor who started her career when she was very young. She acted in several movies. She is also a talented tiktok artist. As in she acts out famous dialogues from movies in her voice and expression.
One video of this actress that I liked a lot was where is dressed up in traditional outfits and tries to dance. She walks a few steps, makes eye movements and facial gestures and hand gestures and it is by no means a complete and perfect dance recitation but yet it was inspiring to me. And told me that we don't have to be perfect before we can share our craft or art with the world. What we think with our brains, what we see with our eyes, hear with our ears, create with our hands etc can resonate with people out there if we share it on social media.
To be continued......
Speech in Toastmasters Club 2
Another person I follow is Navya Naveli Nanda. She is the grand daughter of a great Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan who is considered a mega star of the 70's and 80's. What I like best about her is the fact that she loves hanging out with her family. She started a podcast series where in she discusses important issues with her mother and grandmother. She brought these two women under the platform of a podcast and discusses issues of importance to women such as emotions of women, navigating social media, role of a home maker, and women in leadership.
Another fledgling Bollywood actress I started following recently is Kashish Rizwan. A native of the Indian city of kolkotta she moved to Mumbai to learn acting and pursue an acting career. Her only gifts were talents and dreams. She had no connections in the Bollywood industry and had to stand in long lines for an audition to get a role. She gets to play the role of the younger version of Navya Naveli's grandmother in her first movie. Her motivation is to give all little girls an opportunity to believe in their dreams.
Sanjana Sanghi is also someone I started following last month. Sanjana is a gold medallist in Delhi university where she studied journalism. She said a speech in the United nations development programme to an audience consisting of 7000 people that included presidents prime Ministers and high level officials. She is a successful model and has an acting career as well. She is a native of New Delhi with an ordinary middle class background who became successful through lucky breaks and dedication.
I have been following Joerose Tharakan for a few years now. Joerose Tharakan works for Microsoft. Her exact designation is
Chief of Staff - Strategic Global Partnerships at Microsoft. Her parents are friends with my parents. When I visit her page it is actually like breathing oxygen. In her Twitter account I saw this event organized by her on international women's Day and one of the theme was leaning into your competitive advantages. I used this as a table topics question in this club because I thought in this extremely competitive world you do need to lean into your advantages and strengths in life.
To be continued......
Speech in Toastmasters Club
Yesterday I said a speech in Toastmaster's Club. The title of the speech is Online Community.
For the past few years I have been following a few accomplished personalities on social media. The people I follow come from diverse walks of life and are proficient in areas such as music, dance, entrepreneurship, acting, administration etc. It seems to me as though every week I start following a new person on social media.
Checking their social media accounts and updating myself on the events in their life, watching their interviews, or their performances has not just given me hours of entertainment but also given me an online community to be inspired by, and comforted from, and to learn about important lessons in life.
I think the first person who I started following is a 19 year old named Sreya Jayadeep. She is a reality show winner and a talented singer who sings for Indian movies. What I like about her is that she never misses an opportunity to sing. From the variety and massive number of her singing engagements it is evident that she always says yes to singing. She sings in different venues such as temples, stadiums, auditoriums and even visited the Indian community in the US to sing. She is completely immersed in her singing world and in her song while she sings.
Another person I have been following on social media is Bollywood actress Ananya Pandey. What I like best about her is that she is an actor because she loves acting. She always knew this is what she wanted to do in life. She takes her work very seriously but never lets it consume her.
Although she pursues a career in acting she has other interests and goals in life which she pays attention to such as decorating.
She is very grounded and stays close to her family. She is considered to be extremely well dressed and fashionable and her fashion mantra is "Be yourself. And be comfortable."
To be continued....
Today is my Father's Birthday
This is an old picture of my father and mother.
My father loved public speaking. Here is my father speaking at a function.
My father and my father's cousin-- Father George Erathara.
This is a picture of my grandfather, uncle, father and mother.
Today is my father's birthday. My father was love personified and gave me a beautiful childhood. My father taught me a lot of beautiful lessons in my life. I don't have words to describe all the ways in which my father and mother have loved me. I wish to honor them with my actions, words, thoughts, and lifestyle. I hope you have a lovely day!
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
I liked these dresses to wear at the end of March or April. Or to wear to church during the Easter season. I like the floral pattern and the soft pastel colors of these dresses. These are from I hope you have a lovely day!
Monday, March 3, 2025
Shahi Paneer
Shahi paneer is a sumptuous north Indian dish that is made with tender pieces of paneer floating in a gravy made with pureed cashews and almonds. It's rich creaminess is redolent of the lore of the ancient royal mughals that ruled India during the 16th through 19th centuries.The word "Shahi" means royalty perhaps meaning that this is a dish curated for ancient royalty and has been passed down to us through the centuries. The addition of whole spices like cardamom and cloves adds another dimension to the aromatic flavors of this dish. The mild and subtle texture of the gravy is made further rich through the inclusion of plain yogurt. Cooking the paneer in this foundational gravy base causes it to be bursting with magnificent sensations and a succulent texture.
I got inspired to make this today because I came across an Indian actress called Sanjana Sanghi who was asked a question about the secret of her bouncy hair.
She said the secret of her bouncy hair is eating a lot of food. In a world where people are careful about what they eat she unabashedly says she likes to eat a lot.
She has such a flawless skin and her hair is so beautiful. And she is very slim.
She said she eats lots of mughlai food and her favorite food is butter chicken. Just listening to her talk of food reminded me of the attitude of lot of North Indian friends towards food. I studied in Delhi university for a year and her conversation reminded me of that time. So I decided to search for mughlai food recipes. I decided to make shahi paneer.
While working in press trust of India, my first job, there were lots of restaurants that served mughlai food. I don't know much about mughlai food other than the fact that some dishes have the prefix shahi. Like Shahi Paneer or Shahi something else. Shahi means royalty. This is what I learned about Mughlai food while living in New Delhi.
And the weekend section of the newspaper such as Times of India or Hindustan Times has restaurant and food reviews. Remembering how some of food writers wrote about food I was inspired to write the first paragraph of this post the way food journalists wrote about food. I hope you enjoyed this post and hope you have a lovely day!
Paneer is a type of Indian cheese that can be made at home but I bought this from the Indian store. I dont know if this dish is magnificent but I just wrote it to sound like a typical foodie column in newspapers.
Easter Dresses
Hi all, It seems as though 2025 just started and already it is Easter. Easter is on April 20. I have heard it being said that navy and cream or white are nice Easter dress colors. This is not my opinion but something I have heard. Here are two dresses that can be worn on Easter. They are either from online Abercrombie and Fitch or Nordstrom. Yes, browsing clothes online is my favorite pastime. I hope you have a lovely day!
Sunday, March 2, 2025
Hi all, these earrings were uploaded by me from last month. I like all of them. This is fashion Jewelry. Do you like fashion jewelry? I hope you have a lovely day!
Saturday, March 1, 2025
I painted this picture last week. I was watching a video of a child enjoying a vacation in Kerala, India. The child was throwing some kind of seeds with a spoon into this river or backwaters probably to feed fish or ducks. On the other side of the river was the sky, a hut thatched with palm leaves, trees and the reflection of these in the water. It seemed like a picturesque scene. I painted that scene. This is that picture. I hope you have a lovely day!
Friday, February 28, 2025
Ganesh Festival
This is a story I heard in my childhood. This is a story from Indian mythology that highlights the importance of honoring one's parents. Shiva and Parvati had two children. One was karthikeyan I think and the other was Ganapati. Shiva said to both of them whoever circumnavigates the world fast and reaches back here first will get a reward. Karthikeyan immediately set out on his peacock to circumnavigate the world. Ganapati told his father and mother to stand in one place. He then walked around them a few times. Then he said to Shiva and Parvati I am done. I have circumnavigated the world. Shiva and Parvati said let's wait for karthikeyan. Karthikeyan reached back after circumnavigating the world. Shiva and Parvati said the reward goes to ganpati since he circumnavigated the world first. Karthikeyan was very sad. He had taken all the trouble to circumnavigate the world. How did you reach back so fast, he asked Ganpati. My world is my parents. So I walked around them a few times. So Ganapati got the reward.
This is probably why Ganesh is considered the God of honoring parents. This festival is celebrated by hindus a lot. During my early childhood, myself my older brother and parents lived in a suburb of the Indian state of Maharashtra. There I would see this festival celebrated widely. The statue of Ganesh is taken in processions amidst chants of Ganapathy Bappa Morya.
Then two people can hold their hands in such a way that a Ganesh statue can be placed on the hands and they go in a procession and put the statue in the river or ocean.
If you would like to see how this is celebrated you can check the internet for bollywood celebs celebrating this festival. I loved the saree worn by Ananya Pandey for the Ganesh festival in 2024 and the salwar kameez Ananya Pandey wore for the same festival in 2023.
I hope you have a lovely day!
This Sunday on the way back from church I photographed these. For some reason I like to photograph the streets on the way back from church on Sundays. At that time it is not very late in the evening yet it is not bright with natural light either. So to photograph all these lights on the streets, cars, buildings, and from the reflection on the road and later look at the photograph makes my life beautiful. I hope you have a lovely day!
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Earrings from
Hi all, today I would like to share these beautiful earrings. I found these in JC I found them earlier this month. I hope you have a lovely day!
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