Conversations with the Messiah: Parable of a Lamp on a stand.
My father nurtured my childhood ambition to be the first lady bishop of kerala which is why I enjoy writing these sermon type essays. Here is a sermon/ essay of the Parable about the Lamp on a stand.
By Anna Joseph
Dear loving sisters and brothers in Christ, in this parable Jesus tells us that it is a no-brainer to place our lamps on a stand and not hide our lamps. What did Jesus mean when he said it is important that we place lamps on a stand and not place lamps under the bed, or under bowls. As we all know, light is something that makes things visible. Darkness hides. Jesus wants the light inside of us to be visible and therefore we have to place the light in us in a place where it is visible to everyone. Our light is not exclusive. It is not meant to be seen only by a few people. Instead we are to shine our lamps for all to see. When we place our lamps on a stand for all to see we glorify our Father in heaven.
Symbolically to place your lamp on a stand may mean to actually perform an action which is our lamp. If we have a talent for designing clothes by the action of designing clothes we can illuminate the light of designing in us. If we are lazy and do not design clothes with the light God has given us then we are hiding our God-given light of designing. Perhaps our talent is teaching. When we actually teach children we are actually making visible our light which is the ability to teach children. So placing our lamp on a stand requires us to take the action suitable that actually illuminates our surroundings. When we actually teach children it gives light to the children, it refreshes us, and we shine more brightly in our environment. When we hide our light under a bushel we plunge our home and surroundings in darkness. Perhaps laziness causes us to not use our talents because actually placing our lamp on a stand takes effort. It takes energy. It takes saying no to sloth or indifference. Perhaps fear causes us to hide our light. Perhaps we are afraid of people who may say hurtful or discouraging words when we shine our light and in fear we cower and hide our light. Dear loving sisters and brothers in Christ, in such instances it is important to remember that sometimes others may be discouraging because of their own insecurities but if we in humility and courage continue to shine the lights within us it will even benefit the people who may discourage us because light makes things visible to everyone and helps remove blindness and darkness. Sometimes it is a wrong belief that prevents us from placing our lamps on a stand. We may think that our light is not actually a light and we may think that it is not right to shine our light which is not a light. We may believe that our singing talent is actually not much of a talent. We may think that our talent of public speaking is not worth much. And due to such thoughts we may bury our talent under a bushel. Sometimes we feel guilty that we have a talent which no one else has. This is the problem faced by gifted children and child prodigies. If placed in an environment full of non gifted children, many gifted children may choose to hide their strengths. Yes. Democracy is good but democracy does not mean hiding the things that make us unique so that we can be equal to everyone else. Jesus' love is so much that He loves the gifted child or the gifted grown up just as much as the non-gifted one. Jesus gives us the freedom to use and nurture the lights we have. As long as we respect and honor the non gifted people the way Jesus would it is okay.
Elsewhere in the gospels, Jesus describes himself as the light. Then the light in us is the manifestation of Jesus. Let us not hide the manifestation of Jesus in us. Let us place our lamps lit by Jesus on a stand so that our lamps can give light to everyone.
After the injunction to place our lamps on a stand, the parable of the lamp on a stand says that everything that is hidden will eventually come to light. In a way this is comforting if it means that our light will eventually be brought out into the open. Jesus does not explain how everything that is hidden will be brought into the light but just says that somehow the hidden things will be shown at some point of time. Perhaps Jesus meant that if we continue to attend to the lamps within us opportunities will find us. Our job is to only place our lamp on a stand. Day in and day out let us not forget to attend to the lamps Jesus placed in us. If thinking about philosophical questions is our talent let us think about philosophical matters everyday. This world will try its best to lure us away with its empty pursuits. Dear sisters and brothers in Christ let us find the time to place our lamp on a stand and not allow the world to snuff it out.
A melody is hidden in sounds. A meaning is hidden in words. A beautiful dress is hidden in a length of fabric. A comfortable home is hidden in a nondescript house or building. Our lamps bring out the melody in sounds, the essay or story in a jumble of words, the drees in the fabric and the home in the building. Perhaps that is what Jesus meant when he said the lamp placed on a stand will bring out things that are hidden. So dear loving sisters and brothers in Christ let us endeavor to place our lamps on a stand so that it brings out wonderful hidden things, gives light to all and glorifies our heavenly father.
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