
Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Table Topics

Hi all, Yesterday being a Tuesday, I attended a Toastmasters club meeting as usual. I was the Toastmaster. I really enjoyed being Toastmaster since there is not much to prep. I answered two table topics questions. The first one was about truth. Is seeking truth a way of life or a season was the first question I answered.

I answered that when we are children truth is given to us. We are given truth by our parents and in school we are given instruction in truth in various subjects whether it is social studies or science or languages. We live by it.
But when we are grown we sometimes are exposed to confusing times. We are exposed to other humans who have different ideologies or perspectives. Then we have to seek or try to find the truth.
When we find then we can rest and be happy.
An example can be yesterday I read in the newspaper that in the UN general assembly a resolution was passed by Ukraine that said about the Russian attack on Ukraine.
US did not want to acknowledge that Russia attacked Ukraine.
US lobbied to make Ukraine change the language in the resolution so Russian aggression could not be highlighted
Their rationale was when we are moving toward peace we should not say that Russia attacked Ukraine.
This was a violation of the truth, in my opinion.
Yet what I found astounding was that many European countries abstained from voting instead of raising a hue and cry about how wrong this was.
High level US officials supported this move.
Even some journalists commenting on this did not say this was wrong. The Wsj editorial criticized the US stance.
Others said US has changed it's policy in Ukraine and was on the side of Russia now.
That US is not supporting Ukraine while president Biden supported Ukraine.
I believe different presidents can have different foreign policy.
But the mistake is to say that Russia did not start the war with ukraine just because they are moving towards peace
Russia attacked Ukraine three years ago.
Everybody knows this to be true.
It was in the newspapers, TV everywhere.
That truth they are changing or trying to change.
But the fact and truth remains that Russia started the Russia Ukraine war.
In such circumstances we have to seek truth.
Once we find truth we may be in a season of being surrounded by truth and then we need not seek truth.
So yes seeking truth can be a season if we don't know the truth.

This is what I said. I may have added more details to what I said.

The other question was about definition of success.

My first thought was to lead a peaceful and quiet life that is Godly and dignified life in every way. This is a bible verse.
But I did not wish to say a bible verse in the club since it is secular environment.
So I said I would like to lead a balanced life as in a life not beset by extreme emotions.
I would like to lead a happy life.
I would like to be a good human as in not cause harm upon other humans.
I would like to fulfill my talents and reach a higher level in my talents.

These are my two Table Topics answers. I hope you have a lovely day!

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