The teacher has her back to the class.
A major area of the wall is a blackboard.
The teacher is writing on the black board.
I don't remember what class it was.
A room full of tween girls.
All of us are in sky blue pleated skirts.
All of us wear a cream colored shirt tucked into the skirt.
We wear a tie with stripes in a silk material.
Our feet are clad in white canvas shoes and white socks.
The black board is full of answers.
We are to copy them all into our notebook for that particular subject.
Next to me is a girl.......
She is copying the words and sentences from the black board into her notebook.
The rest of the classroom is furiously writing.
The teacher would fill the board with words.
We have to write it all in our books.
She starts at the top of the board.
Reaches the bottom of the board.
She looks around the classroom to see if everyone has copied the words on the black board into their notebooks.
Most of the girls have.
Except the girl sitting next to me.
She is plodding along making sure every letter is formed perfectly on her page.
The teacher rubs the words on the board and starts writing again.
The girl sitting next to me continues to write.
She looks at the books of other girls to catch up on what she has missed.
If you miss class you can borrow someone's notebook and take it home copy down their answers and bring it back the next day to give them.
If I take this girls book every page has all the questions and answers.
Every page is extremely neat.
This is the advantage of going slow in writing.
You can write with good handwriting.
You can write carefully without missing out any portions as in any questions or answers.
And careful writing also helps us avoid spelling mistakes.
If you write with good handwriting when it is time to study it is easy to read your own writing.
In addition others can read your writing.
If your handwriting is not good you yourself cannot read your own writing.
This is the first advantage of writing slowly and carefully in a school setting.
Reading slow is also a good idea.
Our goal should not be to get to the message of a particular composition, or the theme of a particular book but to enjoy every word, sentence, paragraph and page.
Every word means something.
No matter what you are reading pay close attention to the words.
In reality every word has a world of meaning.
Think about every word.
Every sentence.
Think about the theme of the paragraph.
Think about the nuances of meaning.
Don't think about trying to get to the end of the book or the article instead enjoy every page, every sentence and every paragraph.
Instead of trying to understand the message how would it feel to understand each word in the composition.
Each word has a meaning, a root, and etymology a way to say the word.
Some words are old words.
Some words are newly coined.
The roots of words can be traced to ancient languages like Greek, Latin, Sanskrit, French or old English or Germanic languages.
What if we as we read learn to savor the flavor of the words themselves.
Going slow with a thorough understanding of the ideas is best for me.
Speaking slowly is also very important.
If we rush through our speeches the people who listen to us will not be able to understand and process our speech.
If we speak slowly everyone will be able to understand what we say.
Speaking slowly also helps us choose the right words while we speak. Hope you have a lovely day!
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