
Tuesday, December 12, 2023


A book I am reading currently is the Merry Wives of Windsor. I borrowed this book from the library. As I read the book the Merry wives of Windsor another career opportunity opened up for me-- that of becoming a Shakespeare scholar. Shakespearean plays shows the foibles of human character. Having extreme expertise is one field is a good thing. Instead of being Jack of all trades and master of none. I followed the method prescribed in my psychology text book for reading and understanding the texts that I am reading. First read it without taking a lot of effort to understand it. I am following this method with the Merry Wives of Windsor. There are so many characters. Such a complicated plot and so many dialogues in archaic English you have to make an effort to understand it. But right now I am just reading without taking that effort. Whatever I understand I understand and what I don't understand I don't understand. In the second reading I can take that extra effort to understand.
This book has a lot of speeches from the greatest orators of human history.

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