
Friday, February 9, 2024

Painting of Trees that soar to the sky

I painted this picture yesterday. I was inspired to paint this from the picture of a painting of trees in the internet. Here is the picture.
It is actually two paintings. I only painted the one on the right side. This painting uses the technique of linear perspective, I think because the trees are lines that converge at a point. From Wiki and Britannica I have the following info about Linear Perspective. Linear Perspective is an aproximate representation generally on a flat surface of an image as it is seen by the eye. In Western art illusions of perceptual volume and space are created by the linear perspectival system based on the observations that objects appear to the eye to shrink and parallel lines and planes to converge to infinitely distant vanishing points as they recede in space from tne viewer. The great painter Leonardo Da Vinci used linear perspective for his paintings.
If you stand amidst a group of trees that soar to the sky and look up you may get a linear perspective of the trees.

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