
Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Toastmasters Club Speech 3

Another person I follow is Ananya Singh. Ananya Singh cleared a difficult competitive exam to be selected as an officer in the Indian Administrative Service. She has a few videos where she describes how she prepared for this exam. She says she made daily goals and weekly goals. She read the newspaper regularly for several hours daily. Another idea I liked from her is to collect curious facts. It could be about news items that you see in the newspaper about endangered species, or some important data relating to countries economic growth. Another person whose speech I listen to almost daily is Srushty, who achieved fifth rank in a competitive test for the administrative service. Her preparation method was very helpful to me in making my daily routines more productive. She relied on something called answer writing. If she read about a particular news such as trade tariffs then she would write about it. She would collect as much facts and info about that one topic and write about it. Every day she wrote two to five answers. She relied on curiosity to lead her studies. If she came across a phrase in the newspaper she would Google it and learn more about it so she has a large amount of info. Abhigyaa Jain is a young dancer I started following last month. She has more than 1 million followers on YouTube. Her parents detected her love for dancing at a early age. One day she was taken to a park to dance. Then it started raining. But she wanted to continue to dance. She dances to Hindi movie songs, North Indian folk songs by independent artists and a English song or two. Akshara Kishore is a child actor who started her career when she was very young. She acted in several movies. She is also a talented tiktok artist. As in she acts out famous dialogues from movies in her voice and expression. One video of this actress that I liked a lot was where is dressed up in traditional outfits and tries to dance. She walks a few steps, makes eye movements and facial gestures and hand gestures and it is by no means a complete and perfect dance recitation but yet it was inspiring to me. And told me that we don't have to be perfect before we can share our craft or art with the world. What we think with our brains, what we see with our eyes, hear with our ears, create with our hands etc can resonate with people out there if we share it on social media. To be continued......

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