
Saturday, April 20, 2024


I made this old world sweet yesterday. If you are a Malayalee, from the south Indian state of Kerala, chances are you have been served this traditional sweet called avalosunda at some point of time in your life. An avalosunda, a sphere or ball made with roasted rice flour, grated coconut, jaggery and a few cumin seeds is the hardest thing you will ever eat. Usually it is served on a plate over a small pile of avalose podi. Here is a very likely imaginary scenario when an unda is served if you are visiting a relative's house. "Please have," your relatives persuade you. "Ok," you say in agreement and you reach out for an unda. You put the unda in your mouth and bite. It is the hardest thing ever. "Ayyo you are not able to eat it? they smile. "Come, give it to me," they say. They bring a heavy metal spoon. The spoon is as heavy as a hammer and they beat the unda. The unda is unbreakable. They bring an actual hammer. They place a paper towel over the unda and hammer away. Finally the unda breaks into a few pieces. It is small enough to place in your mouth. The unda is soft only for a few hours after you make it. Within a day it becomes the hardest thing in the world. Other communities in India have their ball snacks. The laddoo, the coconut laddo, the rawa laddu and the besan laddu are all spheres. They are not hard at all. But the Avalosunda is the hardest. The ones I made were thankfully not very hard.

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