
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Humans and Fairies

I have been studying the play A Midsummer Night's Dream by reading and writing answers to questions based on the play that I found in Study.com. Here is a question and an answer that I wrote.
  • What are some of the things that stand out to you about the ways the mortals and the fairies in this play behave similarly to and differently from one another?
  • In the play A Midsummer Night's Dream the members of the fairy kingdom interact freely with the human world. Oberon, king of the fairies and Titania, Queen of the fairies have come to Athens to attend the wedding of the human king Theseus and the Amazonian lady Hippolyta. This shows that in social standing the fairy world is on par with royalty.

    The members of the spirit world are sympathetic spectators to the real life drama of the human beings and understand their human pain. Thus Oberon notices Helena's state of mind. Oberon notices lacking in cheerfulness she is. He wishes to rescue her. He tells Puck to bring her to where he is and Demetrius is so that he could apply a potion to Demetrius's eyes causing him to like Helena. The fairy Oberon chooses to help Helena by causing Demetrius who is indifferent to her to like her.

    The fairies try to influence the course of human life by fixing problems in their lives caused by mischievous goblins. When Puck mistakenly applies the potion on the eyelids of the wrong Athenian, Oberon is aghast and tries to fix things by undoing the damage caused to to the story of a true love by applying another potion on Lysander's eyelids that caused him to leave Hermia and like Helena.

    The fairies are a blessing and symbol of auspiciousness in the lives of the humans. Once the weddings are fixed the fairies accompany the humans to the palace and bless all the couples with a joyful life for the future.

    The fairies lead a life close to nature. Their occupations and activities involve chores like seeking dewdrops, hanging pearls on flowers, gathering honey, and singing lullabies. The fairy queen sleeps amidst flowers like violet, sweet musk roses and eglantine.

    The fairies are aware of the dark side of nature like the thorny hedgehog, the black beetles, the worms and the snail. Thus the fairies in the retinue of Titania when they sing lullabies to the queen Titania to help her fall asleep make an incantation to the weaving spiders to not approach the sleeping queen. They ask the thorny hedgehog to not be seen by the queen and ask the newts and blind worms to do no wrong to queen Titania.

    The fairies are also susceptible to follies that the humans are subject to. Thus Titania argues with Oberon and falls in love with a crude workman with an asses head called Bottom whom even his fellow workmen are afraid of.

    Tuesday, July 30, 2024


    I woke up to a rainy morning. The gentle sound of rain surrounds me. Outside I hear the dripping sound of rain water. Of water droplets falling somewhere. There is also the sound of thunder. It is 5 am. The intensity with which the rain was falling has subsided. Yet I can hear the individual drops falling one drop at a time mostly. It is not bright outside. The birds have not started their morning song as though we are in a bird sanctuary. A faint tweet of a bird that sounds like a whistle is heard from somewhere in the distance in the right.
    It is such a tranquil time of the morning. Now the birds are louder. I wish this time of the morning would last for a long time.
    There are very few gaps in the trees. Through the gaps we can see the sky.
    Light falls on the curtains. The color of the trees is a dark shade of green. Nearer to the porch there are plants with leaves in a lighter shade of green.
    I wrote this paragraph two days ago or so and it was raining when I woke up. I did not take a picture of that rain. Today it rained again and I took a picture. However my photo does not capture the water droplets. I think it is very difficult to photograph rain. Do you like watching rain or listening to rain? Have you tried to photograph rain?

    Monday, July 29, 2024


    Several scenes in the play A Midsummer Nights dream takes place in a forest. Shakespeare describes several plants and flowers that grew in the forests of England at the time and I found the description fascinating. One plant is the Eglantine. I wanted to know more about this plant and an internet search told me the Eglantine is a kind of rose also known as sweet brier. Here is a picture of the Eglantine from the internet
    Eglantine has prickly and thorny stems. It is supposed to grow in Asia and Europe. I think I have seen this in Kerala, though I could be wrong. It is a simple variety of rose that grows in homes. It needs care but not a lot of care. There are two kinds of roses in Kerala. One type comes in unique and rare colors. People who love gardening grow such rare roses as a hobby. They tend to it with fertilizer and great care. But there is a variety that is there in lots of homes and is not the rare kind. Many just grow it for the pink flower. The eglantine is or looks similar to the more common variety of rose in Kerala I think.

    Sunday, July 28, 2024

    Flight Path 2

    Return Trip 11 March 2019 from Kochi, EK 533, Gate 4, boarding at 0355, Gate closes at 0410, seat 18 C Seating zone F. From Dubai Emirates flight 235, boarding at 0850, gate closes at 0920, seat 28 C, seating zone E.

    Speed 546 miles per hour. Altitude 35999 feet. Outside temperature -56 degree C. Distance travelled 6633 miles. Time to destination 1 hour 36 minutes. Distance to destination 1 hour 36 minutes. Distance to destination 791 minutes. Time at destination 13:34. Estimated time of arrival 15:10. Moonsonee. Earth against the sky. Is it the camera moving or the motion of the earth? Dubai to Chicago distance, numbers moving rapidly. 6189 miles moving rapidly to the next four digit number. Winisk, Chicago, Columbus, Thompson, the earth with the blue and white halo around it. Spinning as well as moving from left to right. Yet staying at the same place. LA, Sydney, Sao Paolo. Earth moving back to front against a dark space with sparkly white particles, like sequins or sprinkles. And the earth growing larger until it fills the whole screen. And the green tinged landmass. And the green ribbon with the plane moving over it showing the flight path through the names of the places. Close up of the earth's surface. Green limbs of a tree or tributaries of a river, pressed, matted like a blob of green paint. Distance from departure. Time to destination. Altitude 36000 feet. The earth again. Navy blue. Some parts brown. Parts of continents lit up. Parts in the dark. Lines demarcating longitudes going from one pole to another. Qibla compass, Moonsonee, Kapuskasing, Hearst, Ba'qubah, Agara, Kharkov, Aizkraukle, Angmasalik, Distance 7362, Another picture of the surface of the earth comes into view. Different shades of green. Lines of green. Dubai, London, Tokyo. Map of the earth. The times in these three places. The earth glowing in yellow light. The earth swathed in blue white liquid. Cochrane is 76 miles. Asr time until prayer. Local time at present location 14 48. Sept-^Iles, Quebec, Halifax. Flight path is a green ribbon flying over Dubai. Dubai is arid brown. St. Paul,  Denver, Oklahoma, Winisk, Amos, Cochrane, Kirkland lake, Moonsonee, Kapuskasing, Fargo, Dhaka, Hongkong, Tokyo, Bangkonk, Honaira, Dubai, London, Tokyo, LA, Sydney, Sao Paolo, Angmassalik, Funningur, Lillehammer, Thunderbay, Marquette, Kapuskasing, Amos, Kanata, Kharkov, Jan Mayen Ridge, Angmgsallik, Cadillac, Elliott Lake, Ontario, Amos. The earth, a wide expanse of patchy green, dark blue green areas depicting water, Hongkong, Tokyo, Anchorage, Honolulu, Apia, Honiara. Groundspeed, 552 mph, Kapuskasing, Kanata. Aizkraukle, Jan Mayen ridge, St. Paul, Denver, Nashville, Godthaab. A sky blue light dipping behind the earth, and the earth rising. The globe fills the screen and then it becomes a close up shot of the earth's surface. Again a picture of the earth with the glowing halo around it. Dark blue lines, leading one pole to another. Time in Honolulu. Dubai, Los Angles, Tokyo. This time all three earths are swathed in blue white liquid. The countries are gray. Winnipeg, Fargo, St.Paul, Anchorage, LA, Phoenix, Chicago, New York, Kapuskasing, Reykjanes ridge, Ontario, Kirkland lake, Sudbury, Hearst, Milwaukee, and Vald'or

    Flight Path

    During a trip to India a few years ago I wrote down all the info around me while waiting in airports. While seated in the plane I watched a movie showing the path the plane was on with details about the aircraft, the countries over which the plane was flying, temperature, altitude and so on. I wrote down all the info in a notepad thinking after I reach home I could write about this and think in awe about the experience of being in the plane. Here is what I wrote. Since all the info was jotted down in a hurry because the info stayed in the screen only for a few seconds there may not be a lot of logic or accuracy. 

    Flight Path

    By Anna Joseph

    I am waiting at M15. On the black leather seats passengers are sitting. Most of them look Indian. Since it is a flight to India. A man with a beard drinks something from a bottle and goes back to his phone. Outside is the tarmac and lights steady and blinking all the way to the horizon. A plane near the glass wall, outside. Trucks, vans, and jeeps driving around. Lots of blue lights. Distance to destination 2785 kilometers.

    Gate M15 Boarding at 1900. Gate closes at 1940. Seat # 30 C Seating Zone E. Economy EK625655262

    Flight # EK 236, Aircraft type B777-3000, Aircraft ID AEQA, Altitude 643 feet, outside temp -8 degree. Time to destination 12 hours 33 minutes, distance to destination 7603 miles, Altitude, 202 miles, outside air temp -9. 11652 kilometers. Time at destination 5 hours 51 minutes. Estimated time of arrival 18:28. As the plane travels from Chicago to Dubai the plane flies over the Atlantic ocean.

     Ankara, Bolu, Samsun, Black Sea, Diyar Bakar, Winisk, Godthab, Reykjanes, Amsterdam, Berlin, Kiev, Tbilisi, Tehran, Belgrade, Kharkov, Rostowna, Diyar Bakir, Angmassalich, Lillehammer, Altitude-35 000 feet. Airspeed in knots. Kayserri, Kirsehir. Time in Male 17 08; Time in Dhaka 18 08. Mach-ground speed- airspeed, kible compass, 1360 miles. Tashkent, Kabul, Algiers, Sofia. The map of the earth. The earth a sphere. Green and brown plains. The black sea. Around the earth a luminous blue light. Behind this the dark black glowing background. Dubai, Los Angeles, Sydney, Sao Paolo. Another picture of the earth-- a milky black swathed in light that is liquid that floats over and around it. Qibla compass, ASR time until prayer. Local time at present position. Anchorage, Hong Kong, Honolulu, Honiara, Apia, Belgrade, Alexandria, and Algiers at the edge of the earth.

    Godthaab, Angmassallik, Belgrade, Tabriz. The picture of another close up of the land. The green and brown  uneven surface. Little pools of water bodies criss crossing the green and brown landscape. And the big black sea. The globe comes into perspective. Moving away from me. Growing smaller in the expanse of the blackness dotted with white specs. Three panels. LA, Sydney, Sao Paolo. The world map in white and red. Below a glowing globe. The current time in these three places.

    In Dubai airport I rush through security to arrive at the right gate. Boarding starts at 2100. Gate closes at 2125. Flight #EK 532. Local time at present position 2.43. Outside air temperature 20 degree C. Distance to Kochi 1730 miles.

    Local time in destination. Local time at present position 2 43. Outside air temperature 20 degree C. Distance to kochi 1730 miles. Aircraft type B77730WER, altitude 22 feet, outside temp 21 degree C. Time to destination 3 hours 24 minutes. Distance to destination 1994 m. Time at destination 23.21 hours. Estimated time of arrival 2 45. Time to kochi 3 hours 24 minutes. Places on the map Jeddah, Sanaa, Kuwait. Distance to Kochi 2785 kilometers. Muscat, Faisalabad, karachi, Mumbai, New Delhi,  Hyderabad, Kolkota, Chennai, Mali, Colombo.

    Friday, July 26, 2024

    EX Uncle

    Here is something I wrote about a super special perfect person who was an integral part of my childhood. Today I got news that a beloved uncle passed away. EX uncle was our laughing uncle. The minute he steps into our house he will say something and starts laughing. If someone else says something he will make it into a jest and start laughing. As long as I remember uncle and aunty and Kavitha and Priya were in new Delhi. But EX uncle grew up in udayamperoor and EX uncle and my father were same age. One day I was just chatting with my grandfather when I was a child. My grandfather told me a story about EX uncle. That EX uncle when he was my grandfather's student in school could not say the word ka. So he would say tha. For kaka he said thatha. This was said to me when I was a child and EX uncle was a lawyer in new Delhi. This shows how my grandfather viewed EX uncle. Every one called EX uncle EX. Ex uncles full name is EX Joseph. My father had a very easy relationship with EX uncle. When EX uncle talks EX uncle is extravagant in praise. Everytime they visit they bring toys for my baby brother and other gifts I remember visiting EX uncles ancestral house in udayamperoor. EX uncle's father was also a teacher. but I have never seen him. But I do know my grandfather loved EX uncle's father from my conversation with my grandfather. I visited the new house that uncle and aunty build in 2018 but visited the old house as a child several times because that house was very near the synod church. When I went to study in Jesus and Mary college in New Delhi I stayed with George uncle and Valsa aunty but to get phone calls from my parents used to go to EX uncle's house because they had a phone but George uncle did not. Ex uncle and Kalpana aunty are very loving. In new Delhi I was hospitalized once and EX uncle and kalpana aunty's doctor was in charge and they came every day to see me. Ex uncle was a very eminent lawyer in new Delhi. I was very happy to see a picture of EX uncle Pappa and Fabian uncle at the book release of ara nazhika neram. Ex uncle is very similar to Pappa and Fabian uncle in character and personality. Uncle was a scholar in law. Feel sad Jeremiah and Joshua did not get to interact with uncle much. Uncle's laughter and presence was just indescribable. When we visit EX uncles and aunts house in New Delhi till very late in the evening uncle would be in his office room talking to clients and busy with law work. Then very late when we are about to start dinner EX uncle will be free and joins us in the meal and regales us with uncle's humourous takes on life. Their home was on the roof of a building. In the middle was the terrace. Aunty would make the most delicious pulao and we would all sit on chairs in the terrace and have. Opposite was a green area full of trees. In the lowest floor of that building was a salon. When my mother came to New Delhi to learn about salon stuff my mother learned from that salon. During the week she would stay with EX uncle and kalpana aunty and the weekend she would come to visit George uncle and Valsa aunty. When they visited us in Kerala one time in a family gathering Kavitha recited the poem daffodils by William Wordsworth and Priya recited a hymn give me oil in my lamp. Both of them were students in the convent of Jesus and Mary.EX uncle kalpana aunty Kavitha and Priya were the most perfect family. My parents my grandfather my aunts my uncle all loved ex uncle and family. The last time I met EX uncle was when I went to the synod church and kochuthresia aunty and baby aunty said let's go to EX uncle's house after we finished praying in the synod church. We went there and spend a few minutes there and came back. EX uncle was his usual jovial self. I guess the joy that we pray for and the joy that we yearn for as Christians in prayer was the natural part of EX uncles personality. Last year when I was in the mall Winny told me to pray for EX uncle's faith. I also used to think EX uncle did not have faith. And I prayed exactly as Winny told me to pray. But now I know EX uncle had the same faith as my Pappa. I used to pray so desperately for my Pappa to accept Jesus. But now I know my Pappa always loved Jesus. And I know EX uncle loved Jesus too. Because joy is from the holy spirit. EX uncle had a ton of joy.

    Thursday, July 25, 2024

    Lanterns for the front porch

    One day I saw an Arabic video of a few girls walking and one girl was holding a gold tone lantern. I really liked that lantern and ever since I have been dreaming of two such lanterns for the front porch. I think the gold tone would brighten up the front porch with a metallic sheen since the front porch is dominated by the cement floor and the few flowers in pots. I found a few options while browsing walmart online. Here are the ones I found. We can place a flickering flameless candle in it so it can provide some light on the front porch in the evenings. Do you think it looks too ornate for a simple front porch?

    Wednesday, July 24, 2024

    Would I like to go to space?

    Yesterday I participated in a Toastmasters Club meeting. I answered two Table Topics questions. One question was about if I would like to go to space if given the training.

    My answer to this question is no.
    I find space very fascinating. I like to read about it in the newspaper. I have been to a planetarium in my childhood which was an astounding immersive experience of floating in space amid the Milky Way, the solar system, the planetary system, the twinkling stars, the meteors etc. However I like my life on planet earth too much to embark on such an adventure in real life. I like
    my routines, and the things I do each day. I like to see flowers and trees instead of meteors. I have realized in recent years that other kinds lifestyles are awesome but I prefer my own life. So my answer is no I would say no to an opportunity to go to space.

    Tuesday, July 23, 2024

    Pink Notebook

    A few days ago when I went to Walmart, I saw a pink note book. The color of the book was very pretty. It was a very rare shade of pink. However I did not buy it. It was not a five subject notebook and I wanted to buy a five subject notebook. I regret not buying that book. I hope I find it again. The lesson I learned from this experience is that if I find a product in a shade of pink that I like then I should just buy it. Today I remembered the book I saw and almost bought in walmart and decided to search for the same book online. I found this book online but I don't think it is the same shade of pink.
    I hope you have a lovely day!

    Pink and silver earrings

    I found these earrings while browsing online today. I think pink and silver is such a great combination.

    Monday, July 22, 2024

    5-Subject Notebook

    On Saturday I bought a 5-Subject Notebook. In this notebook I am planning to write Bible verses, prayer requests, news stories, thoughts on English literature, blogging ideas, decoration ideas and most importantly writing ideas.
    Notebooks remind me of school life. During my school years I had lots of notebooks. Here are a few memories about notebooks from my school days.
    In school in Kerala we had a notebook for each subject.

    We had a notebook for English, Malayalam, Science, Social Studies and Mathematics.

    After 8th grade we had three textbooks for science because we had to study science as physics, chemistry and biology.

    We had two books for Social Studies.

    History was one subject and Geography and Civics was the other part of Social Studies.

    We had to study two books for Mathematics.

    The Math notebook was different from other notebooks.

    In the Math notebook we had a margin on the left and a larger margin on the right side of the page.

    On the space in the larger margin was our work area.

    We could jot down calculations in that area.

    In the middle we had to write out the answers or solutions to Math problems neatly.

    In all other notebooks there was a margin only on the left side.

    We wrote questions and answers for each lesson in our notebooks.

    We wrote meanings of words for Malayalam English and Hindi.

    We had to study Hindi only from fifth grade.

    We had to write synonyms for words.

    Also we had to write "nanartham."

    Nanartham means one word has many meanings.

    There were many such words.

    We had to write "use in sentences" for malayalam English and Hindi.

    In this we used the words in a sentence.

    In addition we had transcription notebooks.

    The transcription for English had four lines.

    The transcription for Malayalam and Hindi had two lines.

    We had to write one page of transcription every day to make our handwriting nice.

    We had to place our transcription books on the teacher's desk before the teacher comes to class.

    We also had composition books.

    These were notebooks too where we learned to write our first essays.

    Now that I think about it composition comes from the word compose.

    I learned to write my first letter in a composition book.

    In my composition book I wrote about myself.

    I wrote about my family.

    The composition books are placed in school in a wood cupboard.

    On days we have to work on our composition the teacher asks the class monitor to go to the wood cupboard and distribute the books to us.

    The book is so neat and tidy.

    The brown paper cover is not crumpled.

    Because it has been in the cupboard.

    Sunday, July 21, 2024

    Hair Chox by Fashion Angels

    Hair Chox by Fashion Angels comes with these hair charms. I had blogged about this last year. I saw a hairstyle on a girl who secured her hair with a thick towel scrunchie on the top of her head and left a few strands on either sides of her face. She placed these hair charms on the strands on the sides of her face. I really liked that style.

    Thursday, July 18, 2024

    Plants in the front porch

    Here are pictures of the front porch. I brought five plants from the patio to the front porch. The porch is very spacious. In 2025 I hope to have more plants than this year.

    Flower Arrangement

    I gathered these blue objects and grouped them around this vase in which I arranged flowers from the yard.
    This gives a monochromatic look.
    The pattern on the lamp base and candle stand look oriental which gives a global village feel. A monochromatic look creates harmony, I think as opposed to dissonance caused by polychromatic look. I think that may be the reason decorators match colors or coordinate colors. Hope you have a lovely day!

    Tuesday, July 16, 2024

    Flowers for the Porch

    I wanted to make the front porch beautiful so I bought a few flowering plants. I bought this plant from a nearby store and replanted them in a planter with store bought garden soil. When I bought there were flowers but now there are more flowers, I think. I love the brilliant color of these flowers. I have a few more similar plants with different colored flowers. Shall post pictures of the other flowers soon. This week I am planning to plant them in larger planters in the front porch. In the front porch sunlight is a little less so not sure how these plants will do. Hope they continue to do well. I am not an expert gardener. But I do love a pretty porch brimming over with flowers.

    Pink and purple Jewelry

    Several years ago I thought pink and purple were my favorite colors. The reason was that I used to see lots of little girls wearing pink or purple clothes, shoes, socks or backpacks. The little girls were kids in my kids school. At that time I did not try to buy lots of pink or purple clothes or jewelry thinking it was little girl colors. It was just a liking. However, sometimes I did buy pink or purple clothes or jewelry perhaps placating the child in me. Then after a few years I forgot about pink and purple probably because my kids grew and started going to school by themselves. Then I started liking pink and green. Then it became pink and yellow. That is when I saw pink and purple gemstones with pearls in fine jewelry in JC Penney recently. I uploaded the images to my phone but I still did not remember my earlier liking for pink and purple. After a few days I remembered how much I used to like pink and purple. It reminds me of a time in my life when my kids were young and I was very focused on my responsibilities. This pink and purple jewelry could add a whimsical or romantic appeal to a simple dress, I think.

    Sunday, July 14, 2024


    I like both these bracelets. Both are from JC Penney.com. The first one is a Genuine Green Peridot Sterling Silver Bolo Bracelet and the second one is a Genuine Gemstone Sterling Silver 7.5 Inch Tennis Bracelet. Sometimes all you need to complete an outfit is a gemstone bracelet. In my opinion you can wear it with a same color outfit or different color outfit. The garnet may go well with navy or pink. And the green may go well with pink or cream. Alternately you could match your nail polish to the color of the bracelet and your hands can look very pretty. I like the idea of matching your nailpolish color to the color of the gemstones in your bracelet a lot. In any case having a collection of bracelets is a good idea. You can mix and match with different outfits. You can wear it with dresses or jeans. A simple bracelet gives a subtle sparkle to your outfit. (Reposting with addotional details)

    Thursday, July 11, 2024

    Old fashioned flower vase

    Antiques, vintage objects, family heirlooms, heritage etc are words that evoke a mood. If we place an antique or vintage object in our home it gives us a feeling of rootedness. It gives us a feeling of continuity and tradition. If it is from our own family it is unique because it cannot be bought from a store. Lots of people have sentimental attachment to things given to them by their parents or grandparents. Today I placed this old fashioned brass flower vase after polishing it with baking soda and tamarind. I placed a silk hydrangea in it. Every time I slow down I remember that even as a teenager I liked old things or objects. Remembering the things you liked as a teenager helps you connect with the real you.

    Tuesday, July 9, 2024

    Collection of decorative objects

    Our family likes collecting decorative objects and today I arranged a few on a table. Hope to make more such arrangements in the upcoming weeks. I think these objects gives a collected feel to the home. Each object reflects a memory of the place we bought it from--during a family holiday, a visit to a special store or a souvenir from a vacation or a handicrafts tradition of a place. These objects are collected over several years.

    Monday, July 8, 2024

    Flower Arrangements

    Here are two floral arrangements I made with flowers and leaves I found in the yard. The purple flowers have a delicate color. The burgundy and yellow flowers have a stronger color. The leaves are from other plants in the yard and are not from the plants on which the flowers grew.

    Sunday, July 7, 2024


    I used to have a huge collection of bangles when I was little.
    I found these bangles in etsy.
    Pastel bangles are nice.
    Bangles look nice with Indian outfits, I think.

    Saturday, July 6, 2024

    Navy sari and navy bangles

    I put together one more saree look for if I get to attend a wedding in India.
    Everything is from different sources in the internet. The saree is from an internet saree store, the bangles are from etsy, the bag is Michael Kors from Dillards.com and the sandal is I Miller from JCPenney.com.

    Friday, July 5, 2024

    Sarees with matching bangles

    I may get to go to India for a wedding. I started browsing the internet for sarees to wear for the occasion and here is one I liked from kanakatala.com, I think.
    I picked matching bangles from Etsy to wear with the saree. I really like to wear bangles with sarees.

    Thursday, July 4, 2024

    Happy 4th of July!

    I made this floral arrangement with flowers and leaves in the yard a few days ago. I wish everyone a happy 4th of July!

    Wednesday, July 3, 2024

    Pearl Jewelry

    Here is some luminous pearl jewelry from JC Penney.com. I saw them a few days ago and decided to blog about them today. I like pearl jewelry. I also like them when combined with gemstones.
    Womens Diamond Accent Pink Cultured Freshwater Pearl 14K Rose Gold Flower Pendant Necklace
    Pink Cultured Freshwater Pearl & 1/8 CT. T.W. Genuine Diamond 14K Rose Gold Flower Drop Earrings.