
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Humans and Fairies

I have been studying the play A Midsummer Night's Dream by reading and writing answers to questions based on the play that I found in Study.com. Here is a question and an answer that I wrote.
  • What are some of the things that stand out to you about the ways the mortals and the fairies in this play behave similarly to and differently from one another?
  • In the play A Midsummer Night's Dream the members of the fairy kingdom interact freely with the human world. Oberon, king of the fairies and Titania, Queen of the fairies have come to Athens to attend the wedding of the human king Theseus and the Amazonian lady Hippolyta. This shows that in social standing the fairy world is on par with royalty.

    The members of the spirit world are sympathetic spectators to the real life drama of the human beings and understand their human pain. Thus Oberon notices Helena's state of mind. Oberon notices lacking in cheerfulness she is. He wishes to rescue her. He tells Puck to bring her to where he is and Demetrius is so that he could apply a potion to Demetrius's eyes causing him to like Helena. The fairy Oberon chooses to help Helena by causing Demetrius who is indifferent to her to like her.

    The fairies try to influence the course of human life by fixing problems in their lives caused by mischievous goblins. When Puck mistakenly applies the potion on the eyelids of the wrong Athenian, Oberon is aghast and tries to fix things by undoing the damage caused to to the story of a true love by applying another potion on Lysander's eyelids that caused him to leave Hermia and like Helena.

    The fairies are a blessing and symbol of auspiciousness in the lives of the humans. Once the weddings are fixed the fairies accompany the humans to the palace and bless all the couples with a joyful life for the future.

    The fairies lead a life close to nature. Their occupations and activities involve chores like seeking dewdrops, hanging pearls on flowers, gathering honey, and singing lullabies. The fairy queen sleeps amidst flowers like violet, sweet musk roses and eglantine.

    The fairies are aware of the dark side of nature like the thorny hedgehog, the black beetles, the worms and the snail. Thus the fairies in the retinue of Titania when they sing lullabies to the queen Titania to help her fall asleep make an incantation to the weaving spiders to not approach the sleeping queen. They ask the thorny hedgehog to not be seen by the queen and ask the newts and blind worms to do no wrong to queen Titania.

    The fairies are also susceptible to follies that the humans are subject to. Thus Titania argues with Oberon and falls in love with a crude workman with an asses head called Bottom whom even his fellow workmen are afraid of.

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