
Sunday, October 29, 2023

Green Hydrangeas

Usually hydrangeas are blue. They can also be pink. However in front of the church I go to there are green hydrangeas. These hydrangeas are a lighter green when compared to the leaf. Probably due to its being autumn they have brown petals and some have wilted. Yet to see these flowers growing in profusion is pretty.
The petals are bunched in the form of a ball.
A lot of leaves have become yellow.
In some flowers all the individual flowers at the base that make one large flower have become a deep brown.
Some flowers are all brown but a light brown.
Here is an undried hydrangea.
Next to the hydrangea are some other green plant.
Here is an empty bench in front of these plants.
When I checked the botanical name for this plant I found that it belongs to the family hydrangeaceae and that it belongs to the species hydrangea macrophylla.
In this picture it looks as though the hydrangea plant is growing from the green plant.
Here the stalks of the plant are visible.
I think these flowers look best if there are a lot of them.
Here are a lot of dried flowers and stalks providing autumnal charm. Autumn is the season when the whole world turns brown gold yellow or other earth tones and these hydrangeas add to the color palette of the season.

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