
Friday, February 16, 2024

Character Sketch of Shylock: Merchant of Venice

The title of the play the Merchant of Venice refers to Shylock a Jewish merchant who lived in Venice.

The phrase Pound of Flesh in the English language is from this play and refers to Shylock's mode of cruel justice.

Today this term refers to all kinds of actions in which humans persist "on getting something they are entitled to even though it may cause distress to the person it is demanded from."

Scholars question if this play can be considered a comedy because of the theme of revenge and violence that emanate from the character of Shylock in the play.

The character of Shylock, from one of the most famous of Shakespeare's plays is etched in the minds of most people and remains in our collective memories as a symbol of cruel and inhuman interpretation of justice.

In the beginning of the play Shylock is a miserly man who takes an exorbitant amount of interest for the money he lends and for which Antonio another merchant criticizes him bitterly.

There is enmity between these two characters from the beginning of the play. Shylock thinks his money lending practices reflect the virtue of thrift and that Antonio criticizes him unfairly.

""But more for that in low simplicity
He lends out money gratis and brings down the rate of usance here with us in Venice." " These are Shylock's words about Antonio. These words reflect Shylock's business ethics and critical spirit.

Shylock is introduced in the play when Antonio, in order to lend money to Bassanio to help him marry Portia approaches Shylock because he has dearth of liquid cash to lend to Bassanio. Shylock inspite of the enmity between himself and Antonio agrees to lend the money on one condition.The condition is that if the money is not repaid within three months he would require a pound of flesh from Antonio. The condition is bizarre in the 21st century. It was bizarre in the 16th century too.
The usury laws of the time of Shakespeare in England considered the charging of interest, or any kind of penalty for non repayment of loans an crime punishable with excommunication. Ten percent interest was chargeable under some kings. Under certain others no interest could be charged. I guess the borrowers were required to just repay the money when they could. But the worst punishment was excommunication. Nobody required pounds of flesh.

This condition by Shylock reflects the cruel aspect of Shylock's character and would have been introduced as a metaphor for cruelty by Shakespeare.

In the scene where Shylock is introduced in the first few sentences Shylock repeats everything Bassanio says. Then he says cryptically that Antonio is a good man. Later he explains what he means. He means that Antonio is sufficient as a bond.

As soon as Antonio enters the scene he turns to the audience and says he is a fawning publican.

Shylock says he hates Antonio because he is a Christian. Then he lists the complaints he has against Antonio. Antonio lends out money at no interest rate which makes Shylock's money lending business unprofitable. He said that if he gets a hold of Antonio he will take out the ancient grudge he bears him. These are words full of hatred. It is more than business rivalry. According to Shylock Antonio hates the Jewish nation and criticizes Shylock in the places the merchants congregate. According to Shylock Antonio criticizes Shylock, the business profits he makes, and his thrift which Antonio calls interest. According to Shylock his Jewish tribe will become cursed if Shylock forgives Antonio. These words show that Shylock is one of those blinded by unforgiveness and hatred.
While saying these words to the audience he then turns to Bassanio and Antonio says very politely to Antonio rest you fair good signior. Perhaps outwardly Shylock is a sauve and polished man. Or it could mean that Shylock is hypocritical in that he speaks politely to a man he hates. Although incensed by hatred still saw an opportunity for revenge in Bassanio's request. If he was a simple man who hates Antonio for treating him badly then he would have said he does not have the money or does not wish to interact with Bassanio and Antonio. Instead he may have chosen to play a sinister game. To be continued....

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