
Monday, January 8, 2024

Curtains for Winter months

If you are living in a place which experiences all the four seasons in a year such as Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring then I think it would be a good idea to have two sets of curtains for the home. For the winter months it may be a good idea to have curtains made of velvet or silk. For summer and spring you can use chiffon or cotton. Hanging curtains made of heavy silk or velvet fabric will add warmth to the home during winter months. Here are some pictures of silk curtains. The ideal fabric is raw silk but I am not sure the pictures I have are raw silk.
These are images of silk curtains from the internet. In my parents home in the living room there were two layers. One was forest green fabric and the other was lace in light green. During the day time the lace curtain is drawn across the window so it lets light in and in the night the dark green curtains are drawn across with the lace on top so it gives a nice effect to see the dark green through the lace. In a tropical place like kerala there is no need to change the curtains in every season because there is not that much variation in season. There is ofcourse the rainy season. In my inlaw's house at first there was cream colored curtains and after my son was born when I reached New Delhi my mother-in-law had hung gold curtains with patterns on them.

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